1st Feb, 2018 Bangalore A. Douglas Hofstadter is well known for his classic - Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. This book was published in 1979, and I purchased it in 2007, perhaps. I was deeply engaged with this book, for an year, and was so inspired by it that I thought to inspire others by gifting them this book. Little did I know that one of the two-three folks, to whom I gifted this book, complained indirectly about weight of this book, hard to carry. I am yet not sure of fate of those books, I am very unsure whether people really read books -- those who read are of course scarce in number. Anyways, Douglas is a big person, in the area of Cognitive Science. And I liked his article: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/01/the-shallowness-of-google-translate/551570/ . I will summarise his points (better to read his article): Tools like Google Translate are half-baked. Lack the organelles to "Understand" translation. ...