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Showing posts from January, 2008

Virtual Life --- Introduction ( Part II )

In my last post, I touched a few of the notions associated with "Machines". It can happen that a reader who is not acquainted with theoretical world of Computer Science, would be confused or may feel the treatment too abstract. I will like to post on "Virtual Life" in philosophical sense, with almost no use of domain oriented technical terms. Subject matter should be clear to a High School pass out ! "Virtual life" certainly requires some concrete definition. However, for the time being, we will identify it as an element which does modification to our life, because of the presence of machines. But what "Machines" actually are? Again, no definition, and I am just citing examples of some machines:- My fan, television, and this laptop are machines. So is yahoo messenger, GTalk or IRC ( Internet Relay Chat). Big Brother or Big Boss reality TV series. The conception behind these TV series is that participants are put together in a house for few ...

Virtual Life -- Introduction ( Part I )

One of the elevators in my company ( it has five floors) has certain problem in its floor-indicator. Some time it keeps showing 0 digit only, some time it goes to 0-1-2, and then it sticks to 2. However, there are times when it shows no problem. I don't know exactly what kind of logical mechanism ( is it based on sensors; some kind of speedometer is used or crossing a level gives some information to the system ) assists the floor indicator, nevertheless I, like any other person, can point out that the system has got into problem. However, the observation that the system is not indicating digits correctly, does not mean that that its logical fabric is completely torn out, rather the sections of the floor-indicator which decides on changing indicating values, may not be getting correct values through the assisting physical mechanism( sensors/speedometer/? ). In retrospect, a common presumption about any machine we have seen is that their logical fabric remains intact, provided the ...

Taare Zameen Par

tu dhoop hain jham se bikhar tu hai nadee o bekhabar beh chal kahin ud chal kahin dil khush jahan teri toh manzil hai wahin My soul said, thank you! Thank you Amir Khan, Thank You Prasoon Joshi, Thank You Amole Gupte ... and above all Thank You Darsheel Safary. Taare Zameen Par is my kind of movie. And since I really care about it, I will not compare it with Black or RDB, LRMB. Taare Zameen Par is the movie where the tears are not just emotional, they will also clean up your soul. A New Year Has come. Dear Blog Friends, a very happy new year to all of you. Help me, in becoming a good human being. Thank you very much, thank you dear brother Rahul and dear sister Anisha for your patience and calmness; thank you dear sister Nandi for some of your nice points, thank you Abhinav for your phones, thank you world. I will be very very active in blogosphere, this is my single pledge!!!