Love, is not just a four letter word. The meaning of love changes with person we meet, with situation we live in and with time. Sometimes it gets so constrained that it does not get even a fraction of second and sometimes it crosses all boundaries. Sometimes it gives us immense strength while other times it makes us feel inert. We often say that human being strive for power, money or similar thing, but then these all things are governed by immense mental pleasure. Love is searched ... My life is going through a transition period. I am learning new orders and like always my career is moving in a quasi-stationary way. Like many people, I have also lived very happy childhood days. I always feel, myself as the product of my childhood teachings. A nice childhood makes you think good about people, society and ofcourse those who are in close proximity. However this means lot of other things -- "you are now responsible to those people, society". Keeping responsibilities is not easie...