Tired of writing the type of pieces that I have written so far, I am planning for a serious change. I have thought of writing a Science Blog, where the term Science will be used in a generic sense. This means, different areas of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Life Sciences will be addressed. Further, areas like Computer Science and Communication will be dealt as a part of Mathematics, while areas like Biochemistry will be delat as a part of Life Sciences. Ofcourse there will be a certain degree of overlap, but then Nature does not know these subject matters. I have a certain feeling that every problem should have an algorithmic facet. Algorithms are most logical way to present a problem statment and corresponding solution. However, sometimes keeping balance with simplicity(which is original to the problem statement) is also necessary. I will try to keep the balance among the variables of the system. The tragedy with Physics and Mathematics is that most of the times people give r...