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Showing posts from January, 2006

The Inner Web

Am I a coward? I often ask this question to myself. In the due course of my life I always think whether I have yelled for frequent, short-cut successes. I cannot ignore answering this question, I think no one can, until you are living in completely self-unconscious environment. In the age of getting frequent successes it is now inevitable for people to ignore other people silently. So what is the meaning of being coward? Again, definition changes with people, with time, with situation. But when I talk with myself, I think that when a person lets another person suffer trauma of morally broken down then he is coward. You are coward when a person who believes in you for truth is betrayed by you. You are coward when just for having ice creams you don't take care of hunger of your fellow. So cowardice is not just the act of leaving the battle ground, it’s a kind of omnipotent phenomenon. Once I was going to college from my hometown. A person on the railway station throw sweet packet in ...

Grades -- Quantization Error

"... It is rumored that some professors decide grades by tossing coins ...." -- The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. II, DE Knuth In my school days the marks that a student used to get in terminal exams had a resolution of 0.5. Importantly, if you get 24.5 in some paper there was good chance that it will get modified to 25. Good!!! So it was natural to try for at least an increment of 0.5. Nice. Whatever be the situation the quantization error was at most 0.5. Meanwhile I think that the system was quite fair and their was no short-cuts. I moved to colleges where although the phenomenon of quantization error was still prevalent but other factors emerged. Contacts, mugging (although it was in school also; but in colleges mugging was done knowingly), cheating and many many other political games. Well with time I came in a college where huge quantization error also came in picture. They call this quantization phenomenon as grades. Whatever be the interpolator you will use you c...

Right Time

When one should say truth ? When one suffers trauma of being cheated? What is the meaning of honesty in current Indian context? What faces tell us? What we are living for? Luckily no one tells me to answer these questions. However as every body does, I too, ask these questions to myself . Interestingly I have found many people asking these questions to themselves. I found a Professor asking the question to himself (via a blog), a girl saying that she asks these questions to herself(while she is deeply engaged in yahoo-messenger) in a straight forward way and a 47 year old father who has already asked (and got answers) these questions to himself. The answers are different for each person. Moreover each person has a set of answers; depending upon scenario. So I am confused. I don't know the thoughts of people. The professor is deeply involved in blogging with his hi-tech, mathematically fit (are there more synonyms for Mathematics) students on varied thoughts about Indian problems. I...

A Game called Duggu

I went to a village last month(December). Earlier villages seemed to be full of life with lot of people wandering with no usual intention. The culture was very friendly. However now days villages seem to be only half full. People in villages look for opportunities to migrate outside with thousands of reasons, -- education, medication, employment, life style and many other things. I found lot of peace at village and I think given a chance I can do all of my work at village . However I know that people will warn me that I am turning to become impractical. Anyways ... I met a child of about 6-7 years who is in standard 1(in the village). I saw his school bag which reminded my school days. Those small bags ... launch box ... and many things ... a world in itself. Suddenly I found in one of the packets of the bag .... hundreds of wrappers(empty) of chewing nuts. I saw a small circular piece of brick. I told the child about the reason. He replied that they play a game called " Duggu ...