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Showing posts from December, 2007

Me in 2007

I am on track ! I am on track of the adventure, we call it Mathematics and Physics. 2007 effectively taught me that the satisfaction that one gets in doing Mathematics, is way ahead of any work human being can do. Of course people get satisfied by doing hard work in their corresponding field, but the longevity of any Mathematical duty is everlasting. If something is a prime number, it will be always a prime number! My tour from a General Physics lover to Electronics engineering to Computer Science to an Embedded System Engineer was neither smooth, nor I got any any sincere help from academia or people surrounding me. None from any of my friends! Doing Maths, which earlier involved fundamentals of computing, often involved stuffs which have no direct use in Industry. For example, I succeeded in getting into Variational Calculus, Geometry of fourth Dimension, and Lambda Calculus, Relativity ; and of course I am on the way to study Nicholas Bourbaki book. But can you write them in...

India in 2007

When I read the situation of democratic values in countries like Russia, China, middle east, and many other countries of world, I think we worked very hard to inculcate the larger sense of democracy in the ethos of Indian diaspora. Yes we have Narendra Modi , Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee ; nevertheless our fundamentals of democracy are too strong to be easily shaken. Indian politics has not been extremely idiot on major issues involving prolong interest of country. I will not delve deep into analytics, and so I have just compiled some points which were critical to India in 2007:- Sanjay Dutt's Imprisonment. The TADA court verdict stirred many a debate regarding the purposes of punishment. If a person has improved himself, or realised his fault, what should be the action of law? Or, what should be the motive or methodologies of any punishment. Are criminals or frequent law breakers can be cured? Can people like Sanjay Dutt should be "punished" to work as a normal memb...

The condition of Science

Though Mathematics and Physics are the most enrich and deeply developed fields, they are not getting prime attention from academia for many years. I thought that the situation is prevailing only in India, but it seems it has become a global epidemic. A Babe in the Universe is a blog by beautiful researcher L. Riofrio , working in the field of Cosmology. I initially thought that like many women she will be jelling with "life-is-a-saga-of-poetic-events" kind of attitude, but luckily that is not the case. Her blog is sincere approach towards disseminating knowledge of Cosmology in particular, and Physics in general. In one of her articles, Big Trouble in Little Particles , she has precisely pointed out the sorry state of affair between State and Physics:- The world of particle physics is getting small indeed. The UK budget is caught between Northern Rock and Southern Iraq. On December 11 the UK announced withdrawal from the International Linear Collider . One week later Decemb...

Social Analytics and Narendra Modi's Victory

This is a different time. This is a different generation. Youth of present India, who comprise major population of it, are not able to differentiate between Goodness or Badness. The definitions are blurred, often twisted, and sometimes in moral contradiction. Clever politicians should understand this notion. So when the Hinduism card is not working in India (people do get bored of monotonous slogan) , when people are recognizing the rhythm of "India Shining" ( Vajpayee government had fallen not because of this slogan, rather the confusion, the mutual contradiction of thought prevailing in the middle class of India at that time to accept the changes ) and when India suffers the most of Islamic terror; a radically polarized view point of "Moditva" arose. This surely is not a moralistic pathway; it has nothing to do with projecting ideologies of a religion (like Pope does often) though it uses religion to secure its position, and the followers will have to be hard on ...

No More Ads

I know those who know me, would not have liked the idea of putting ADs on this blog. Chillax, I have cleaned them, :-). Shiny Toy Guns - Le Disco song for all of you:-

The Elements of Indian Socialism --- Preface

The Indian society has a history of its own kind of Socialistic flavor, mostly based on social interactions, though in last hundred or some more years, sets of different kind of socialism were identified. It was the intent of larger Indian community to seek glimpses of Socialism in Hinduism, Nehruism , Marxism, Gandhism and many of the ideologies enunciated by people like JaiPrakash Narayan , Ram Manohar Lohia , Vinoba Bhave . However such type of intent often got blurred, one reason was the nascent stage of democracy in India. Since the values of a society changes with time, so the level of maturity that the society has achieved so far, will still have to be dynamic. Indian society was not excellent in Science, Arts, Music and in many other skill sets, when you will compare it with some of the prominent society of other part of world, however it certainly got benefited from a bunch of leaders, who were often very educated, and helped India adapt to new ideas (which were often i...

Nalini Singh ...

We have heard about Arundhati Roy and VS Naipaul, but masses read Sidney Sheldon or Robert Ludlum. No doubt these people will like Nalini Singh's novels. This Nalini Singh is not the famous Journalist, sister of Arun Shourie, often coming on Doordarshan; rather she is a famous author, author of some "bestselling" books . Check her blog ... Do women write on politics or International relations ? I do not have any idea ...

Books I could not get

Yesterday I went to IISc (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) to buy some Mathematics book with rigorous treatment of subject matter. The Tata Book House residing inside the campus is famous for range of books in the areas of Science/Technology. Further since IISc is top quality research center of India, it is expected that book store ( ofcourse libraries will have all range of books) can be interesting buyer stop. But this time I was very much disappointed as I could not find high end Mathematics book which should be common for such an Institute. No book on algebraic set theory. None of Nicolas Bourbaki's books. No book on Riemannian Geometry/Surface Single book on Calculus of Variation Very few and elementary books on Complex Analysis. I have no idea why there are so many books on computer programming. Interestingly the book store did not have any book on latest advancements in Computer Science. Oh! I forgot, power point slides are the way classes are taken these days ...